Hinário Cifrado CCB N 4 para Violão

em Inglês

  • The CCUS Guitar Chord notebook has just been released in order to help brothers and sisters to play our songs on the guitar during visits or where ever God prepares.
  • Many souls long to hear something that speaks to your spirit and have the need for things that were inspired by the spirit and grace of our God.
  • Now… on to the presentation, the CCUS Guitar Chord Notebook, contains all 450 Hymns and 7 choruses.
  • Each hymn follows the strumming of the chords, so you don’t have to waste time on the internet searching for the right chord, and most cases not even finding it.
  • In the CCUS Guitar Chord Notebook, you’ll find some important tips to better play our songs, photo quality, not to mention all hymns include introduction
  • No doubt the CCUS Guitar Chord Notebook is a none miss item for brothers who play the guitar and enjoy praising the Lord in visits; or even to sing and play at home with family.
  • Do not miss this great opportunity to have all the hymns chorded for the guitar.

Hinário Cifrado CCB N 4 para Violão em Inglês  

Compre agora pelo mercado livre seu hinário cifrado

Hinário para Ukulele: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1483648749-hinario-cifrado-para-ukulele-_JM

Hinário Cifrado Intermediário: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1303366898-hinario-ccb-cifrado-_JM

Hinário Cifrado Iniciantes: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1303356603-hinario-ccb-n5-cifrado-iniciantes-_JM Hinário Cifrado Viola Caipira: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1335592740-hinario-ccb-n5-para-viola-caipira-_JM

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